Home Painting

Homemade Refrigerator Deodorizer

February 26, 2019

However cautious you are, some thing in the fridge eventually will start to stink, making the interior of the refrigerator smell as well. As soon as you’ve removed the offensive mystery object, then the scent takes a very long time to go away on its own since there’s minimal air flow in a closed refrigerator.

Simple Odor Removal

After the odor-inducing object was banished from the fridge, remove everything, 1 drawer and shelf at one time, so be sure nothing has spilled that will contribute to funky smells. Spray the entire interior the empty fridge with white vinegar — either full strength or mixed with an equal part of water, depending on the quantity of debris and odors from the fridge. Wipe down the fridge with a damp sponge. For caked-on debris, permit the vinegar to soak in for half an hour or so, then sprinkle some salt onto the sponge to use as an abrasive. Wash the sponge and rub away the salt. Vinegar cleans and deodorizes the fridge, and the scent of the vinegar goes away by itself. Leave an open box or bowl of baking soda in the fridge to help stop odors.

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