
How to Install a Door Hinge for a Glass Surface

November 23, 2019

Glass doors are located on cabinets entertainment centers as well as in showers. A style of hinge for this kind of door is known as an overlay-style hinge. 1 side of this hinge is designed to fit the glass at an bracket, and the other side is designed to mount into a non-glass surface like a cabinet casing or side wall. Pick hinge based on the dimensions and location of the glass door. Particular attention should be given to the burden of the door so that the hinge can support it properly.

Slide the glass door is hinged on by the U-shaped portion of the overlay. Align the side with the glass and together with both sides of this glass even along the bottom of the U-shape.

Screw the attachment screws through the face of the U-shaped part to connect firmly with the glass. Some versions utilize attachment screws that are hidden and silicone adhesive to enhance the appearance. Follow the specific directions of your hinge set’s manufacturer.

Additional hinges in this way along the face of the door. For doors, two hinges are all typical, one at the top and one at the base. For bigger doors, hinges are spaced every two to three toes.

Position the door at the opening and unfold the hinge to the side or casement wall. Keeping the door level and in the alignment, screw the part of the overlay hinge to wall or the casement with the attachment fasteners appropriate to the setup.

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