Home Cleaning

How to Remove Sooty Mold on Bushes

June 27, 2022

Sooty mold, a black mold that covers tree leaves and other plants, seems more alarming than it is. Despite its dirty appearance, sooty mold doesn’t normally damage trees, but the sap-sucking insects that cause the mold can undermine the plant. You can use soap and water to loosen sooty mold to enhance appearances, but once attached it’s difficult to eliminate. Ideally you want to care for the cause of the problem, the insects, and then the mold will evaporate over time.

Eliminating Sooty Mold

Mix 1 teaspoon of dish soap 1 gallon of lukewarm water.

Dip a clean soft sponge in the water and soap mixture.

Wipe the soapy water over the regions and leaves affected by the mold, lightly rubbing until the mold loosens.

Rinse the leaves clean water as you move.

Repeat the cleaning procedure until the mold softens and washes away.

Eliminating Insects

Start looking for insects such as aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers, mealybugs and scale.

Check both sides of the leaves, the back along with any flowers or fruit onto the bushes.

Spray contaminated parts of the plant using pre-mixed insecticidal soap spray, then coat the insects directly until the foliage area is leaking marginally.

Assess for re-infestation weekly and follow up with extra remedies once a week until the insects disappear.

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